
My author visit to the Inglewood Public Library

This summer, I had the pleasure of visiting the Inglewood Public Library to read my children’s book and even show the audience an invention I patented. What a treat!

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a patent agent. What does that mean? A patent is a way for inventors to keep others from stealing their inventions. As a patent agent, I write patent applications, file them with the patent office, and often fight for the inventor’s application to be approved. Most patent applications are initially rejected!

The invention that I showed the kids is called the Spleash. It’s a leash attachment that can hold water and spray the water into an attached cup so animals can drink from it. Pretty cool!

Showing the invention and how it worked was very important to me (perhaps even more important than reading the book). The kids can read the book any time. But how often will they get the chance to see an invention and hear the science behind how it works? It may get their minds thinking about working in technology and innovation when they grow up; at least they’ll see it as an option.

I’m not a big fan of telling kids they should go into science and engineering. Imagine if every adult a kid knows told them to go into what they’re in. Kids would be pulled in so many directions. I’m against pulling. I’m for laying out options, then the kids can make informed decisions based on their interests.

During the visit, I made it a point to stress to the parents the importance of allowing their kids to ask questions. I often get the sense that parents become exasperated with all the questions their children ask. If you want the kids to solve the problems of tomorrow, though, it’s crucial to allow them to ask questions today.

At the end of the visit, I gave out signed copies of the book and bookmarks. In all of the books addressed to kids, I wrote “Ask Questions!”

It was a great visit, and once I write another book, I look forward to revisiting the Inglewood Public Library for another author visit.

If you’re reading this, thanks Damitri Boone for hosting me!

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